Wednesday, September 8, 2010

iPhone Apps for Teachers

I'm still looking for that all-in-one app. for teachers that allows you to take attendance, the lunch count, email, collect observable behaviors, and can act as a planner and grade book. As far as I can tell, no such app. exists yet! If I knew a thing or two about programming, I would take on the challenge myself. The closest thing I have found is TeacherToolOne, which is a program designed in Germany. It has some great features and functions, but is not really intended for teachers in the primary and secondary schools. Don't get me wrong, it's a huge hit over seas, but it doesn't quite do the things elementary teachers need it to do in order to make it the top downloaded app. by teachers.

So this poses the question, with all of the great apps. out there for education, what are your top 10 apps. for teachers? I know which ones I use as a technology integration specialist, but I'm guessing most teachers wouldn't have the time or need for all of these apps. The iTunes store now has a special section for teachers called "Apps for School". You can get there by clicking on the app. store icon from your iPhone and then click on featured apps. Scroll to the bottom of this list and you can find "Apps for School".

There is a grading app. for earlier education as well, that's not that bad and for a price of $7.99 it's not too bad for a teacher's pocket either, however, if you already have a grading system in place, it won't sync these two programs. There are plenty of apps. to help students though with math and reading. Everything from audio books and interactive games from Dr. Seuss, to flash cards and quizzes to keep the brain stimulated. I'm guessing most teachers do not have iPod touches in their classrooms, and the thought of giving up their own iPhone for student use, isn't quite there yet due to the price tag on these handhelds.

Here are my top 10 apps. for elementary teachers:

1. First Class
I can make sure I never miss an email, and I can tell a student when a parent notifies me of changes to the pick-up or bus plan for the end of the day.

2. iTalk Lite
It's like having a pocket recorder ready when ever a situation arises to create a podcast. The program is free for the computer as well, and easily blue tooth syncs from one to the other.

3. iCamcorder
I love the Flip video cameras and digital cameras for field trips and classroom events that you want to capture, but I always forget to sign them out of the library or bring mine in from home. Having an app on the phone just makes it handy in case something worth capturing is happening right now.

4. Keynote Remote
I often use my SMART Board to introduce a lesson, however, I have learned this piece of technology works much better when the students are in front of it, and not myself. This 99 cent app. allows me to control the slideshow from any where in the classroom as I walk around and monitor the students' understanding.

5. Twitterific
The easiest way to consult, enhance, reflect, and collaborate with other professionals in a short amount of time. I'm blown away with how quickly I can get a response from other great teachers.

6. The Weather Channel
It may sound funny, but a big part of morning meeting and the routine is having a weather person. It's much easier to have a student look at this app. then having to login to a computer, or disrupt the morning message on the SMART Board to get the weather forecast for the day.

7. Brainpop
Earbuds and an iPhone are great if one child needs a quiet activity, or missed a Brainpop video from a previous lesson.

8. Pandora
My students often ask for soft music while they work on independent projects or writing. The iPhone speaker is just loud enough when the room is silent to be heard by all. It also has a plethora of styles to choose from and can open their eyes, and ears, to new songs from around the world.

9. Calendar
This one comes free with the iPhone, but I don't know what I did without it. I used to carry a small calendar with me to remind me of meetings, calling home, and quick lesson plan ideas, but the built in notification just adds so much more. The sync feature to iCal on the computer is quite handy as well.

10. Dictionary
It is so much easier to look up the meaning of a word with this app. then the standard Webster's hard cover. It also has voice pronunciations to help students read the word out loud.

What are your favorites?


  1. Great list! When will you come up with the top ten apps for secondary teachers. I, too, am always looking for educational applications for my ipod. I mostly let my kids use these apps and I have yet to bring it in my classroom. I am intrigued by the keynote remote; am I able to use this if I only have a ipod and not an iphone. For secondary teachers there are the graphing calculators that every student should download; however some are not easy to use. There is a lot of Math apps (I am a math teacher) which range from all sorts of prices to assist students in their math problems. One app even lists all the formulas. So . .. when you do your high school list, you might want to be content specific;)

    Ipod - free app locater

  2. I'm working with the tech. integrator at the high school for a top ten list of secondary education apps. for the iPhone. The Keynote remote does work on an iPod Touch. In fact, it needs a wireless network and a computer with Keynote on it in order to work.

  3. I found an iphone/ipod app that is both attendance and scores recording you can visit their website at
