Tuesday, January 31, 2012

eNewsletter, Tech Tips, and Trouble Shooting Oh My!

I am swamped with writing blogs, create and publishing video tutorials for Tech Tips, organizing a Trouble Shooting group at both elementary schools in York, all while finishing up my masters and trying to maintain my regular day-to-day duties as a technology integration specialist. I apologize for the brief blog post, but every now and then it's a good idea to update readers on the other projects that are going on as well.

The latest edition of the eNewsletter for February is published. My main article is all about the balancing act educators go through every day in trying to embed enriching technology into their lessons. How much is too much? Balance has always been the key, and I offer some good strategies to keep that moto. There are also some wonderful web sites for teachers and students to check out, and my new iPad app of the month is another great interactive story. I hope you enjoy!

Each week I broadcast a Tech Tip of the Week over our CTV live in the school on a morning during the week before class begins. This way teachers can stay in their classrooms in the morning while they are getting ready for the school day and still learn a quick tip that they can use in class or in the lab using technology. At my web site above, I archive all of the Tech Tips so that teachers can revisit them as the need arises.

I have started a new Trouble Shooting and Problem Solving group in the mornings at both elementary schools as well. This group meets in the lab once a week before the student day begins to analyze a scenario or issue that often comes up with teachers in the computer lab, and finds ways to troubleshoot or work around these issues. I add the scenario and our potential problem solving strategies to a blog so that others can add comments or reply to problems that we cannot work out. It's just a start, but we would love global feedback as well.

Lastly, I have been asked more then ever to publish videos online for teachers to share students' projects, broadcasts, presentations and successes. For this reason, my YouTube Channel has grown immensely in the last year.

Of course I do not expect you to follow all of these resources. It's hard enough for me to keep up with them and I'm the author of each! If, however, you would like reminders of new updates to each of these blogs, posts, uploads, or publishes, you can check out my Mobile App, which will send you reminders for each of these areas as they are updated, and also lets you follow me on Twitter.

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